Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekend wrap up

Sunday nights use to be rough for a singleton. It's the night where everyone is home with their families and preparing for the upcoming week. I usually find myself catching up on what's recorded on TIVO, cleaning the house or doing a few things online. The blog has given me the chance to take Sunday nights and use them for something more fun and productive.

Keeping with the spirit of the 40y40p blog, which is to get out and celebrate this year in fun and unique ways, I enlisted the help of 2 good friends Kerri and Mary to help me live up to this goal. More on that in a bit.

After a somewhat uneventful Friday night, I woke up Saturday morning to take my first Mac class at Apple. This not only proved to be very informative but I also found by the size of the crowd in the store that this is a way a lot of people spend their Saturday mornings. By the end of my 1 1/2 hr session, the place was packed with all kinds of people browsing and shopping. I think it will be worth checking out some other classes in the future. I have full intention of being a Mac pro! After a great chat with a Mac genius about how I can transfer the music off my PC, I grabbed Mac and hit Starbucks for a quick coffee. Walking out of the mall with my new computer and coffee in hand I thought "how trendy am I?" but then I remembered I had to run off to my friend Jenn son's birthday party.

The party itself is blog worthy not because of the adorable 1 year old and yummy food and cake, but because it put me out there with people I don't always hang out with socially. So after a few hours of socializing and catching up with former co-workers we agreed to do a night out in the near future referring to it as one of many possible "real housewives and singletons of waterford lakes" gatherings.

So Saturday night is when the fun celebrating began. My two partners in crime (Kerri and Mary) and I started out at Funky Monkey for some yummy sushi, wine and catching up. We had the bases covered. Kerri a single mom, Mary pretty much still a newlywed and officially now our wing woman (more to come on that) and me sat around and talked about what, jobs and fun ways to get out there and have fun. I realized no matter if it's a year dedicated to celebrating your birthday, you're recently married or you're a mom with an adorable little girl, there's still a need to have fun, be an individual and live life to its fullest. The girls were on board with the mission of 40y40p and promised to help however they could. Before getting the car to go to our next stop we stopped in Bananas a new local diner next door. As luck would have it, Kerri knew one of the managers and before we knew it we were signed up for Tuesday nights "Broadway themed" dinner. This IS blog worthy but you'll have to wait and don't worry pictures will be included. As you can imagine, the "Bananas" wait staff is a little out there...

After we made our reservation for Tuesday night and discussed that we should try to dress in theme of one of the shows that the night - one of which is the 60's show Hair, we headed out to see a friend of mine play guitar and sing at a local bar. Now if you would have told me ages ago that I was taking my friends to Tom & Jerry's a total dive bar I would have said you're nuts. But it actually turned out to be a lot of fun. Joe is a friend I met over a year ago and we've been virtual friends since. He's started playing guitar and singing recently and has been inviting his facebook friends out to see him. The night was fun, Joe sounded great but the night really got interesting when it became official that Mary was going to be our wing woman. For those of who watch "How I Met Your Mother" Mary pulled the old "have you met my friend Deanna" trick on a cutie at the bar. We're not sure if he fully got the connection to the show but it cracked us up and has now become Mary's new pick up line. Bonus points for Mary for having the nerve to do it, bonus point for the guy for saying I was pretty and that he was checking me out but also bonus points for saying he had a girlfriend. Where was she we don't know but we left cracking up over the entire event.

So that's pretty much the celebrations for this weekend. Upcoming events include Tuesday night's Broadway themed dinner, a trip with Mary to NC in a few weeks and also a Katy Perry concert here in Orlando in June.

I haven't heard from my girls in ATL I hope they aren't frozen to death up there but I look forward to getting some of our big trips on calendar soon. Night from O-town.

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